When Do You Need A Utah Dog Bite Lawyer?

01/09/2019 Posted by Jared Faerber

Dogs can be loyal companions, friends, and protectors. However, if they are not properly socialized, contained, or handled properly, they can cause serious injury to others. If you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries due to a dog bite or attack in the Salt Lake City, Utah area, you likely need an experienced personal injury lawyer to get the compensation you deserve and need to cover medical expenses (both past and future) and to compensate you for the pain, suffering, scarring, and hassle involved.

Utah law is generally favorable to victims of dog attacks. It imposes what is known as strict liability. This means the dog's owner or keeper is liable for the damages caused by that dog even if the animal has not previously shown signs of being vicious or attacking others or even if the owner took steps to prevent the dog from attacking. Generally, a Utah dog owner is responsible for the actions of their dog, period.

Having handled these cases over the years, I've seen owners try to play games: claiming they don't "own" the dog and were just keeping it for a friend, claiming their dog did not cause the injury, and other attempts to avoid responsibility. These attempts are rarely successful.

There is often home owner's or renters insurance available to pay the damages caused by dog bites. This does not mean, however, insurance companies will easily pay a fair amount for the injury without the help of a skilled lawyer. There are often serious medical bills, a need for future scar revision surgeries, and other expenses. In addition, there is often permanent scarring, nerve damage, and other impairments that may last a lifetime. These damages need to be accounted for and fairly paid for by the insurance company.

My firm has successfully handled dog bite cases on a contingency basis. This means the client pays nothing upfront and only pays an attorney fee if we win a settlement. It is important to involve an attorney early in the process, before the statute of limitations runs, the evidence is lost, and memories fade. If you or a loved one have been injured by a dog in Utah, we are happy to talk to you for free, with no obligation.